Monday, November 02, 2009

Halloween in Colorado

I really wasn't sure what Halloween would be like for us this year, but I knew it would be a lot different than the norm for our family. Last year, we thought we'd be in Georgia by now. Obviously, that didn't happen but we did end up far from home. Anyway, we went trick or treating with some friends last year and had a great time but it was HOT. Like, crazy hot. No apple cider to warm us up when we were done or anything traditional like that. Sweaty kids want something cold!

This year in Colorado the snow came early and fierce. The sky was finally clear on Halloween night, but my kids still had to wear layers (huh?) and make sure to walk around the snow to get to different homes. Leah had to wear clothing underneath her costume, which was her ballet recital outfit from June. She ended up looking like a young Abby Sciuto with her stripes and crazy colored hair. I thought she looked pretty cute but if I'd let her know the she looked kinder-goth it wouldn't have gone well with her "princess ballerina" mentality.

I ended up taking this picture because it just struck me as funny.

And then my neighbor, who we went out with to raid houses, made fun of me. What? Snow on Halloween is funny. A snowman is hilarious in its absurdity. Can I help it if this is weird to me?

Here's one of my kids and the neighbor kids. If Darth looks familiar, well, it's because he came with us last year. What can I say? I'm frugal and the costume still fit. He was good with it, so double score for me!

We only made it around the block before my kids were popsicles and we decided to call it a night. They still got tons of loot. Now I know for next year to get a costume that can be layered multiple times.

1 comment:

Krista said...

oh how I wish I was dressed like Leah, seriously adorable!!!! She is one cute colorful ballerina. I could totally eat her up right now! I miss you!