My teeth hurt. And I woke up before I was ready. On a positive note, my son eagerly ran downstairs to switch the coffee pot from ‘worthless’ to ‘hot and ready’ so it was waiting for me, full and sensuous by the time I went to the kitchen.
I have a house to clean. And laundry to do. And coupons to clip from Sunday’s paper. It’s my domestic day. My domestic days always start will great intentions. Something always throws a wrench in my cogs when I have plans. I have a bible study to complete and dessert to make for tonight. Fortunately I have push pops for the kids…and maybe the adults depending on how the dessert turns out.
Today is Bill’s first full week back to work. We’re back on schedule, or at least in theory. I’m not quite sure what we’re doing. Six months without him here had us on a survival schedule. Now I’m trying to design a live-and-thrive plan for the week. And yes, I am just that nerdy and controlling that I made up a weekly plan on excel. I love control. I rarely get it, so whatever I can wrap my hands around, I hang onto for dear life. And excel has those perfect little boxes.
Having Bill home, having his family here, just being whole again was great. We did family breakfasts, the kids climbed all over daddy while I watched, we watched Mary Poppins and ate popcorn accompanied by hot chocolate, Bill and I went on a ten hour date to include lunch AND dinner, we all went to Disneyland. It was as picture perfect as you can get. Now we have to move from our familymoon to reality…and reality is calling in the form of a little Lysol and a vacuum cleaner.