Friday, August 13, 2010

Summer Part 2?

Wait! I wasn't ready. I'm always ready with plan in hand and calendar filled out but things were just weird this time. Oh...well...I guess there was that time last year when we planned our move around the start time but didn't realize that the start time was in mid-July. Maybe I can just blame the whole thing on Colorado. Yeah, that seems like a good plan to me. That, and then there's the fact that they lied. Who does that?

School started on August 9th. But not really. The calendar that was approved for the school year said that the first day was the 9th. And then emails came in telling us that PARENTS were to attend the first day with their kid. Except that the first day wasn't a full day. It was an hour for one kid (an hour?!) and five hours for the other kid. And on the 10th, they had the day off. But the real real first day was the 11th. Still. Who goes to school that early? Especially in the land of perpetual snow. It could very well start snowing next month and if you recall, it snowed here three months ago. I think the administration hates sunny warm days at the pool and loves green flourescent lighting and the smell of Pinesol. Well, a big fat raspberry to you calendar planners. School ends in May and it will be too cold or windy or tornado-y or hail-ey or some other 'ey'. It better not be snowy.

When my kids go back to school is when I usually feel like I'm celebrating my second new year. A clean slate for the academic/sports/dance year. I start weeding things out of closets and dressers and cupboards. I'm just not there but I really want to be. When does your school year start?

1 comment:

Judy said...

We begin August 23rd. The state of Texas has a rule that no one can start before that date, so everyone starts then (well, except private schools because they can follow their own rules). I'm in a panic because this is our last week...eeks! I'm not ready yet!